Norman C. uploaded 6 photos and received 207 edits.

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Correct color / exposure, Crop / resize / straighten, Sharpen / reduce noise
Hi all. I am looking for people that can work long term. There will be ongoing photos to edit on a very constant basis to winner. Please refer to my website ( for how I prefer my finished photos. Or if you have other effects or ideas, I am also open to them. Thanks in advance! Best regards, Norman.
Long-term conditionsMy requirements are basically adapting to my existing style (pls view my website or promote your own style. There will be approx. 100+ photos per month depending on your ability. My budget starts from USD2-4 per photo depending on photos. Turnaround time: 5 working days maximum.
  • Basic Correction
  • Closed: 9 years ago
  • Award: 6 x $15.00
  • Require long-term retoucher